Monday, August 31, 2015

Be Pushed.

Rachael has a fashion and fitness blog that I had the pleasure of collabing with. Rachael is the sweetest thing, and honestly the FUNNEST client! Full of poses and ideas, she made my job so easy!
I can't wait for the next time we can work together!
The inspiration behind this shoot was to be pushed.
In the words of Rachael Rausch,
"We all have our battles. Whether they are physical or emotional, I see them as places of growth. When I had originally thought up the 'Hill Seeker Series' it was going to based on pushing  boundaries. The idea of being a hill seeker is the idea of challenging yourself. No one every saw substantial growth on a flat plain. Eventually you plateau. You peak. It's not until you push yourself to do hill sprints, take the path less taken so to speak, where you know it's mind over matter and you start to see the change. "
Inspired by her and very glad to have worked with her.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cutie Carol

I just had to post these because I wanted to talk up my favorite sassy girl. Carol is the best. I met Carolyn my sophomore year when I needed a roommate for choir tour and she was the lonely freshman a row in front of me. We've been besties ever since. She taught me clash of clans, wrong words in Spanish, and how to have unending faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. She's the best. We found this adorable candy shop in Laguna Beach that had AMAZING ice-cream. I can't wait to come visit California and go on more ice-cream dates with you Carol.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Mustang Whitney

THIS CHICK. Whitney has the coolest toys and it was so rad capturing her bad-ass self with them.

This is the start of many post that I will be bombarding you all with because, like i've said before, I suck at blogging. A real website is in the making. But for now enjoy the blog.
